
Name: GiftHulk

Type of Work: Offers, Polls, Surveys

Earnings: HulkCoins can be earned in many different ways. 440-600HC = $5

Payment Method:  PayPal, Giftcards

Availability: International

Short Description: Collect HulkCoins by doing Surveys, Polls, Tasks, Offers and exchange your HC for PayPal payouts or Giftcards.

Website: Link / Referral

Join GiftHulk and earn HulkCoins! Logo

GiftHulk offers the ability to earn HulkCoins through a variety of different ways, these coins can later be exchanged for PayPal payouts or GiftCards for Amazon and many other shops. GiftHulk is also doing giveaways regularly, these can be entered for free and they usually give away several Giftcards.

You can earn money on GiftHulk by doing Offers, completing Surveys, vote on Polls, using the GiftHulk Search, watching GiftHulk TV or completing Tasks.

You can also win HulkCoins from the GiftHulk treasure box, when using the GiftHulk Search, by playing games or by entering codes in the Fountain of Youth. These Fountain of Youth codes can be used several times but only once per user so they are a good way to share the wealth with other GiftHulk users.

You won't get rich with this website but it's a good way to make a few bucks extra with little to no effort and it's actually quite fun and feels like a game.